Are you doing a session soon?! Don't know what to wear?! I got you! Read these 3 easy tips to styling!
Its session time!
It's finally here! Your session! But what do you wear!
There are 3 simple tips to remember for styling for your session!
If you follow these to the tee (😂) you're guaranteed to look amazing at your next session!
Tip #1 : Avoid brightly colored outfits
Colors such as pink, anything neon, and primary colors like bright yellow, red, and blue tend to be too bright and can leave harsh reflective tones on the skin that are hard to edit out. Avoid the colors above can assure you that harsh tones won't appear. Colors such as maroon and mustard yellow and navy blue are great alternatives. Especially matched with Kaki and Brown.
Tip #2 : Makeup, Hair, and nails should be done!
Now, I'm not saying go out and go crazy. Trimming the nails and assuring they are either clean with no polish or polished with no chips! Be prepared to have your face in the picture! So make sure your hair is the way you desire and free or frizzes and crazy "cow licks". And lets face it ladies, we want to be in the portraits so lets make sure we are wearing a little make up! Make up provides depth in photographs and I highly recommend mascara and some blush. If make up isn't you thing, that's okay! There are clear mascaras (Elf is my favorite) that adds depth to your lashes without the hard chemicals some make up brands can bring.
Tip #3 : Avoid matching!
Matching is out, coordination is in! Coordinating your outfits to blend together well instead of matching provides more for the eye to look at when glancing at the portrait. Coordinating outfits is easy! Pick a color palette and base your outfits around this. Or pick one print and center the outfits around that print!
Booking with me includes access to my personal styling tips as well as access to my client closet! Each person is individually important! I want to showcase your personality through your style during our session!